Prof. Bio

Professor Hashim Ali Mohammed Salem , born in November 17, 1952 , Shandi – Sudan . he is  Professor in Textile Engineering , has a large number of research and discoveries and inventions in the field of specialization , and he is currently Chancellor of the Sudan University of Science and Technology .

Education :
-  Shandi North primary school (1961-1965).
-  Shandi Alahlia intermediate school.(1965-1969).
-  Shandi high secondary school (1969-1973).

Qualifications :
- Diploma in textile engineering , First degree , Khartoum polytechnic (Sudan) – (1973-1976) .
- of textile engineering , First degree , Almansoura University (Egypt) College of engineering  (1976-1981) .
- Ph.D , Textile Engineering (1989) University of new south wales , Sydney, Australia.
Thesis Title :  Effect of technological Processes on power consumption of a weaving machine.
Area of Interests : The use of geotextile on our day living basis, roof protection, membranes for roads, geotextile reservoirs, revetments for rivers , soil erosion, floods protection.